Nicolas Mosqueda’s APCSP Blog/Site. Link to my GitHub profile

Week Topics What I Learned
3 Creative Development I created a quiz using AppLab on My quiz was a 3 question on the topic of baseball. I aslo did some planning for my collegeboard project
2 Data Abstraction I learned how to make python lists and dictionaires, I was able to create loops that displayed basic inofrmation about my partner and I. I also customized my website more my changing the background color and playing around with different themes
1 Intro Python, Jupyter, Fastpages I created a quiz using python for my Ap Governmemt class. I also created posts with my notes from my Ap Gov class that can be easily accesed on my website
0 Tool Setup I downloaded software that will be very important for this class such as vscod. I started becoming more familiar with fsatpages and created my website where I will post all of my work


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