
At the presentation given by the students from California State University San Marcos, I was impressed by the useful information that was shared with us. The STEM-majoring speaker’s John and Ashley gave a very insightful presentation on the value of coding in all STEM fields.

One of the things that particularly stood out to me was how CSUSM is a national mobility leader, giving students the freedom to easily switch classes and update their curriculum while still staying on track with their objectives. This is crucial for students who are still discovering their passions and interests.

I also found it interesting that CSUSM offers a wide range of STEM fields, such as chemistry, physics, and computer science. Being able to have access to plenty of different programs would be very comforting as I would not feel stuck in the major I initially chose.

The speakers also emphasized the numerous activities offered by CSUSM to high school students, including hackathons. This would be a wonderful opportunity to get involved and begin forming relationships with other students who share my interests.

Last but not least, John and Ashley emphasized the value of joining organizations like robotics clubs, which can help students acquire real-world experience and develop critical thinking abilities.

Overall, the presentation taught me a lot about CSUSM and the options open to students interested in STEM disciplines. The speakers’ passion for their subject matter was evident, and CSUSM strikes me as a great institution because it goes above and beyond to meet its student’s needs. As someone who is interested in pursuing a profession in STEM, I discovered the presentation to be inspiring and educational.