CPT PLanning

Here is my cpt planning:

First, I will carefully review the project guidelines provided by the College Board to ensure that I understand all of the requirements and expectations for the project. I will also make sure that I understand the scoring rubric, so that I can focus on the areas that are most important for earning a high score.Next, I will make edits and changes to fit the requirements of collegeboarrd. I will create a detailed plan that includes specific goals, timelines, as well as a list of the tools and technologies that I will need to complete the project. As I work on the project, I will document my progress and keep detailed notes on the decisions I make and the challenges I encounter. I will also be sure to test my project thoroughly and make any necessary revisions to ensure that it meets all of the requirements and functions properly. Finally, I will submit my project as required by the College Board. I will prepare a clear and concise presentation that highlights the key features and functionality of my project, as well as any challenges I faced and how I overcame them.By following these steps, I am confident that I can create a high-quality Computer Science Principles project that meets all of the College Board requirements and earns a strong score.