College Board Quiz


Option A is correct because lossless compression algorithms allow for complete reconstruction of the original data and typically reduce the size of the data.

Option A is correct becasue the attendance for a particular show can be calculated dividing the total dollar amount of all tickets sold by the average ticket price.

Option D is correct becasue sorting by year will sort the spreadsheet on column C from least to greatest. Filtering by year will remove any entries with unknown years. Filtering by photographer will remove any entries with unknown photographers. Since the order of the entries is not affected by the filters, the photograph with the lowest year value will be in the first row of the spreadsheet.

Option A is incorrect becasue this sequence of steps does not sort the entries by year, so the entry with the lowest year value is not guaranteed to be in the first row of the spreadsheet.

Option C is correct becasue appending a 0 to the end of a binary number multiplies the number by 2. Therefore, appending three 0s to the end of a binary number multiples the number by 2 three times, which is the same as multiplying the number by 8.


I feel satisfied with my score of 421/25. I beleive I have a strong understanding of the material covered in the quiz. At the same time, I recognize that there is room for improvement. Going forward, I will focus on reviewing the areas where I missed points and identifying any gaps in my knowledge that need to be addressed. I’ll also look for additional resources to help me further develop my skills and deepen my understanding of computer science concepts.