College Board Quiz


Only I is correct becasue digital certificates cant be used to verify that the connection to a Web site is fault tolerant.

Option C is correct because putting all government forms on the city website is least likely to be effective in reducing the digital divide because all citizens may not have equitable access to the Internet.

Option C is correct because the variable sum is initialized to store the value of the first element of numList, and because the iteration block is a FOR EACH loop, the value of the first element is added to sum twice. Since the first element of the list is 0, adding this number to the sum does not affect the sum. A non-zero first element would give an incorrect result. In general, a single test case is not sufficient to confirm that a program works as intended.

Option D is correct because the code segment I does not work correctly because it is not possible for “C” to be the value of grade at the end of the code segment. Code segment II correctly assigns “A” when the numeric score is greater than 90, or “B” if the numeric score is not greater than 90 but is greater than or equal to 80, or “C” otherwise. Code segment III assigns “C” when the numeric score is less than 80, or “B” if the numeric score is not less than 80 but is less than or equal to 90, or “A” otherwise.

Option C is correct because the value “THREE” is displayed whenever x is less than or equal to 10 and y is greater than 3.

Option B is correct because the first call to printArgs displays the number 1, followed by the string “**”, followed by the number 1. The second call to printArgs displays the number 2, followed by the string *, followed by the number 2.

Option B is correct because simulations are limited by the model that is used. There may be many reasons for using a simplified model, including ease of implementation.

Option A is correct becasue as the size of the list grows, the number of steps needed to sort the list grows at a linear rate, as the number of steps is equal to 10n for a list of size n. This is an example of a polynomial efficiency and indicates that the algorithm runs in a reasonable amount of time. Option B is incorrect becasue as the size of the list grows, the number of steps needed to sort the list grows at an exponential rate, as the number of steps is equal to 2n for a list of size n. This indicates that the algorithm does not run in a reasonable amount of time.


I feel satisfied with my score of 42 out of 50. I beleive I have a strong understanding of the material covered in the quiz. At the same time, I recognize that there is room for improvement. Going forward, I will focus on reviewing the areas where I missed points and identifying any gaps in my knowledge that need to be addressed. I’ll also look for additional resources to help me further develop my skills and deepen my understanding of computer science concepts. Overall, I feel proud of my performance on the quiz and motivated to continue growing my knowledge and ability in computer science.