Project Idea

Our Group is planning on making an interactive escape room game. We want the the user to be faced with several different actions to choose from. Each action will result in a different result. Certain results will produce more preferrable outcomes that will get the user closer to escaping the room. After series of different scenarios, the user will be informed on whether they the right decisions and successfully made it out of the escape room or if they are still trapped, in which they will be promted to play again

Row 1: Program Purpose and Function

In order to earn this point, our group will take screenshots of the code and provide in depth explanations of how the code works and explain our thinking behind it. This will be seperate from the game itself as we want it to be visually pleasing without code obstructing the experience for the user.

Point 2: Data Abstraction

We will be sure to include two program segments like stated int he rubric. Furthermore, one of the segments will show how data is stored in a list, and the other will show how the same data is used to complete the purpose of the program

Point 3: Managing Complexity

Our group will spend extensive time on this project to make sure it is as advanced as possible. We will incorporate all the unique tricks we have learned throughout this trimester to demonstrate our learning. We will also write a detailed explanation of our code showing that we actually understand the code rather than just being able to write it.

Point 4: Procedural Abstraction

As stated in the rubric, we will have 2 program code segments that fulfill different requirements. One shwoing a student developed procedure with a parameter that has an effect on the functionality of the procedure. The other will show where the student-developed procedure is being called

Point 5: Algorithm Implementation

We will incorporate sequencing, selection, and iterations, into our project code. This will display our diverse knowledge in coding. We will give a thorough explanation that will be easily understable for our grader.

Point 6: Testing

We will describe the conditions being tetsed by each call to the procedure. Additionally, we will identify the result of each call. Our conditions will use parameters to exectue different code segments and execute/bypass code segements