How I will get 5!

Program Purpose and Function

In order to get this point I will need to really understand what I am doing. In order to do this I need to pause myself when I find myself typing code that I do not really understand. As Bria stated, I can take notes on college board videos and if I need more additional help I can watch Khan Academy as there tons of additional information there

Data Abstraction

It willbe crucial that I spend lots of time on this project and give my best effort so that I have the 2 code segments done to the best of my ability. It is important that my code runs smoothly with no falws

Managing Complexity and Procedural Abstraction

I need to start getting in the habit of not doing the bare minimum when I code. I tend to doubt myslef becasue I am not an experienced coder, but I need to go out of my comfort zone and start experiemnting with more advanced code. I can start by aiming for 3/3 on the weekly grading instead of just getting 2.7/3

Algorithm Implementation

I need to learn how to be more efficient in my code. Doing this will make me better at learning how to use algorithm so I make the computer do more of the work for me.


I can practice for this point by starting to make posts explaing my code and what it does. Doing this will make explanations of code for clear so that the person grading my assignmnet can see that I know what i am talking about.

Possible Ideas

I am still unsure of what my project will be, but I am thinking of making a game which challenges the user in a way through questionare, and is also educational.