
I plan to make a quiz about baseball using AppLab on I want to have 3 multiple chocie questions with 4 answer options. I want the quiz to tell you if you go the question right or wrong immeediately after the question and then give your score as a percentage at the end.


I was able to make the a working quiz where there was instant feedback after every question on whether the user got hte question right or wrong. Additoinally, the 3 questions ran smoothly and was able to allow the user to retake the questions as many times as desired


Some challenegs I ran into was not being able to make the quiz display the score at the end. This was the one thign I was not able to do that was apart of my original plan. I also ran into troubles while making the quiz such as having buttons lead to the wrong the screen. I got stuck fo a little bit when I did not realize that I forgot to include quotation marks for oone of the variables which did not allow the quiz to run.


Prior to this assignment I had no idea how to and AppLab. After creating the quiz and working through several issues I feel a lot more confident using the software. While I understand that this is beginner diffiuclty this will likely help me progress in my computer science journey

Here is a link to my baseball quiz Link