
Well I do feel as if Night at the Museum was a bit rushed, I do not think I met my full potential and could of had more of my project done to present. Being unfocused in class from time to time and not spending enough time working at home are both contributing factors to not being done with my project on the day of Night at the Museum. While, I did not have my project done, I did make a large effort to get something done as I spent roughly 4 hours working on a javascript sport quiz that displays the score at the end. As a group we also could have perfromed better as 3 of us, including myself, did not have our project done. Despite this, aside form the distractions, we all got along very well and worked well as team as we would always do our best to help eachother out. Overall, the Night at the Museum event was very fun and I enjoyed looking at others work in all the different elective classes. It was very cool to see the creatiity of my peers put on display. Below I will share specific projects that I really liked.

Computer Science

This was a compyter science project about a website for adventure. The website provides information for an adventure that the user may want to go on. What I really liked about this project is that I could see myself using it in my life


This project was from photography that really caught my eye. I really like cars and the licture captures a beautiful BMW that really stands out with the background chosen. I really liked this project because I would love to own a BMW when I am older.


This project was ceramics. It is Squidwards house from Spongebob. This caught my attention because Spongebob was ine if my favorite shows as a child. I took Ceramics previously so I understand the dificulty it took to create something like this.