5.1 Notes

Video 1

Learning Objective: Explain how an effect of a computing innovation can be both beneficial and harmful

Essential Knowledge:

-people create computing innovations

-the way people complete tasks often change to incorporate new computing innovations

-not every effect of a computing innovation is anticipated in advance

-a single effect can be veiwed as both beneficial and harmful by differnent people even by the same person

-advances in computing have generated and increased creativity in other fields, such as medicine, engineering, communications, and the arts

Video 2

Learning Objective: Explain how a computing innovation can have an impact beyond its intended purpose

Essential Knowledge:

-responsible programmers try to consider the unintended ways their computing innovations can be used and the potential beneficial and harmful effects of these new uses

-it is not possible for a programmer to considr all the ways a computing innnovationcan be used

-rapid sharing of a program or running a program with a large number of users can result in significant impacts beyond the intended purpose or control the programmer

5.2 Notes

Learnign Objective: Describe issues that contribute to the digital divide

Essential Knowledge:

-internet access varies between socioeconomic, geographic, and demogrpahic characteristics, as well as between countries

-the digital divide refers to differing access to computing devices and the internet, based in socioeconomic geographic or demographic characteristics

-the digital divide can affect both groups and individuals

-the digital divide raises issues of equity, access, and influence, both globally and locally

-the digital divide is affected by the actions of individuals, organizations, and governments

Three Beneifcail Effects of my Project

-My project can increase the users sports knowledge

-Users can use the stats predictor feature to make money through sports betting

-My project is a fun challenege for the user that they can use when they are bored

Potential harmful effect of my Project

-The user could use my project to start sports gambling which could lead to an gambling addiction and the user losing lots of money

What are pros/cons on internet blockers at router and lack of admin password on lab machines at school?

-Pros: Websites that contain harmful or innapropraite informtion cannot be accessed on school campus, which overall, keeps the campus more safe

-Cons: Certain websites are blocked that can potentially be useful to learning. Additionally, the wifi is much slower whihc leads students to use hotspots and vpns to get around the internet blockers.

What concerns do you have personally about the digital divide? For yourself or for others.

Concerns I have on the digital divide is that people will become too uncomfortable with human interaction. Bullying is much easier online as people say harmful things online that they would not say in person. Addtionally, people will stay inside on their devices all day long not getting any exercise and living an unhealthy life.