Submission 1

Reporting Category Student Score College Board Score Comments
Program Purpose and Function 0 0 the response did not describe the funcionality of the program in the video
Data Abstraction 1 0 includes two program segments that show data being stored - the second code segment shows another list namedanimalList. The response identifies animalList, but animalList is not being used in either code segment.
Managing Complexity 0 0 does not explain how the code managaes complexity
Procedural Abstraction 0 0 does not explain how procedure contributes ot overall functionality of the program
Algorithm Implementation 0 0 does not explain in detail how the algorithm works
Testing 1 1 descirbes two different calls for a procedure

Submission 2

Reporting Category Student Score College Board Score Comments
Program Purpose and Function 1 1 video shows a running program and response gives a good description of the program
Data Abstraction 1 1 includes two program code segment,one that shows how data has been stored in wslthis list and one that shows the data in this same list being
Managing Complexity 1 1 has a program code segment that includes a list and explains how the list manages complexity
Procedural Abstraction 1 1 The project includes two code segments and identifies what each of the segment does
Algorithm Implementation 1 1 includes a student developed algorithm with sequencing, selection, and iteration
Testing 1 1 descirbes two different calls for a procedure

Submission 3

Reporting Category Student Score College Board Score Comments
Program Purpose and Function 1 0 video shows the running of a program- The response describes the function of the program but not its purpose. The response states,”The program aims to determine the winner of a hypothetical fight between two Marvel characters, based on which character has the higher average in six categories.” This did not
satisfy a criteria for this row.      
Data Abstraction 1 1 has two program segments one showing data being stored and another in list
Managing Complexity 1 1 has a program code segment that includes a list and explains how the list manages complexity
Procedural Abstraction 1 1 The project includes two code segments and identifies what each of the segment do
Algorithm Implementation 1 1 includes a student developed algorithm with sequencing, selection, and iteration
Testing 1 1 descirbes two different calls for a procedure

Submission 4

Reporting Category Student Score College Board Score Comments
Program Purpose and Function 1 1 video shows the running of a program
Data Abstraction 1 0 has two program segments one showing data being stored and another in list - second code segment, data stored in the list is not being used; only the length of the list is accessed. So the response does not meet this criteria.
Managing Complexity 0 0 does not show thorough engough complexity in the code segment
Procedural Abstraction 1 1 The project includes two code segments and identifies what each of the segment do
Algorithm Implementation 1 1 includes a student developed algorithm with sequencing, selection, and iteration
Testing 1 0 descirbes two different calls for a procedure - The response gives the conditions being tested rather than two different arguments that cause a different segment of code to execute. Arguments should be specific values used in the call to the procedure.


Overall I think I did a good job scoring the exampe submissions. I did get alittle bit better at grading the third row whihc is about managing complexity. I think all 4 examples were quite good, with the second one being very good, I will use that as a guide when making my own project. I definitely find myself getting better at grading these and it hopefully translate to me performing better on my performance task.