Lesson Plan Homework Grades

Section 1-2

Grade: 0.9/1

Comments: completed everything

Section 3-4

Grade: 1/1

Comments: Took notes, had a reflection, and had explanations for each question

Section 8 and 10

Grade: .9/1

completed all components of the assinment

Section 9 and 11

Grade : .9/1

completed all the work, I could add explanation to my answers to make it better

Section 12-13

Grade: .85/1

Good answers all work was correct, but no explanations were given so there was no evidence of understanding of the work. The procedures were well written as well

Section 14-15

Grade: 1/1

Good reflection. Requirements met. Ec executed

Section 16

Grade: 0.95/1

5/6; Did extra credit and notes

Section 17-18

Grade: 0.9/1

Met all of the requirements, added reflection, notebooks weren’t working.