Final Score

Question 14

When answering the question I slected 7 as an answer becasue I did not realize that the first line of code says that numcorrect is greater than 7 and I interpreted as greater or equal to 7. I now know that a 7 would result in a check which is correct. The answer 6 is correct because since it is less than 7 the code will display a check which is not correct as it shoud display a check minus.

Question 20

I was very confused on this question so I just assumed that 4 bits were not enoguh to store 8 directions. I know realize that 4 bit can represent 2 to the fourth which equal to 16 pieces of information and therefore it is not neccesary to add extra bits since 4 bits is enough to store the eight directions

Question 28

When answering this question I was not being careful. The answer I chose would make the first 25 units have a cost of $7 and units after that have a price of $5. It should be the other way around so 25 should be multiplied by 5 and the (numUnits-25) should be multiplied by 7. This would make option C the correct answer

Question 35

I selected B in this question becasue I did not know that the maxPS<-50 line takes priority over the previous box of code and sets maxPS to 50 regardless of the value of time. Option A is correct because it has the maxPS<-50 in the beginning which sets maxPS to 50 by default. Then after it states that if time is greater than 120 then maxPS is 30

Question 41

When I answered the question I thought it was just a simple question where collegeboard was trying to trick me with all the code segments. I saw the thrid code segment which assigned 30 to r so I answered option C which was 30. I now understand that the 5th line gives p the value of q which is 20 and then the 8th code segment gives r the value of p, so therefore vale of r is 20 and option B is correct.

Question 45

I was confused on this question becasue I saw that count1 was value in the list that are greater than 0 which there are 2 numbers, I then added the plus 1 to get count1=3 so i slected that answer. I now understand that count1 is just number of positve values in the list which is 2 and count2 is all the other the other values in which there are 3 other number. Therefore, count1=2 and count2=3 so option b is correct

Overall Thoughts

I found the quiz to be very informative of what we should have learned throughout this trimester. At first many of the questions seemed very dificult but as I read through all the code very slowly I was able to better understand the uestion and realize the question was not as hard as I orginaly thought. I think that I performed quite well on this test but I still have lots of learning to do.

Night at the Mueseum

I enjoyed showing our project to different parents and students. We made a searchbar where the user could search any marvel movie or comic and a link to the marvel website would come up using an api. I was very happy that are searchbars was working during the presentations as we had lots of struggles making it. It was very cool to see other groups’ projects. There were a few that I really liked such as a website that gave a fitness plan based on your height and weight along with fitness goals.

Collegeboard Notes

1.1-1.3 4.1