
-Programs created using programming languages can execute algorithms that have been expressed in a variety of ways.

-Sequencing, selection, and iteration can be combined to create any algorithm.

-We humans use algorithms on a daily basis; an algorithm is a finite set of instructions that accomplishes a certain task.

-Implementing steps sequentially entails, for instance, carrying out the first action before moving on to the second, third, etc.

-When a coder chooses between two possible results, this is called selection.

-Iteration is the process of repeating a step until the requirement is met.


algorithm- finite set of instructions that accomplish a specific task, composed of sequencing, selection, and iteration.

selection- a section of code is run only if a condition is met.

iteration- repeating steps or instructions over and over again

sequencing- outline or set of steps that we do and follow in order that they are given

variable- you can store an actual value, the value of a variable in another variable, the result of an operation, or result of a procedural call

String: a sequence of characters

numbers = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
evens = []

for i in numbers:
    if (numbers[i] % 2 == 0):

[0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10]

Sequencing: all pf the steps

Iteration:They go through all the numbers in the step "for I in numbers:"

Selection: "if (numbers[i]% 2 == 0)" due to the fact that they sort each number to discover the even ones,

i = 1
starString = "*"
while i <= 5:
  j = 1
  while j <= i:
    print ("*", end= "")
    j += 1
  print ()
  i += 1

Sequence: all steps

Iteration: "While I <>= 5:" since they keep going until i's 5.

Selection: "While j <>= I" since this is where they choose what j is,

3.3 Video 2 Hacks

Practice Problems

  1. given the following code segment below:

a ⟵ 7

b ⟵ 1

c ⟵ 3

d ⟵ 4

a ⟵ b

b ⟵ c + d

d ⟵ b

a = 1, b = 7, c = 3, d = 7

  1. consider the following code segment:

hot ⟵ true

cold ⟵ false

cold ⟵ hot

hot ⟵ cold

what are the values of hot and cold after executing the code segment?

  1. the value of hot is true, the value of cold is true
  2. the value of hot is false, the value of cold is true
  3. the value of hot is true, the value of cold is false
  4. the value of hot is false, the value of cold is false

Answer: 1. the value of hot is true, the value of cold is true

  1. Sequencing
num1 = 3
num2 = 1
num3 = 5
num1 = num2 + num3      
num2 = num1 + num3      # num2 is now the new num1 + num3

Answer num1 = 6, num2 = 11

3.4 Video 1 Hacks

String Homework

  • Test 1

    firstName <- "Bob" lastName <- "Smith" var <- substring(firstName, 1, 1) name <- concat(lastName, var) email <- concat(name, "") DISPLAY(email)

  • What would the result be?

    Hint: var = "B" name = "SmithB"


  • Test 2

    word1 <- "computer" word2 <- "textbooks" length1 <- len(word1)/2 length2 <- len(word2)/3 first <- substring(word1, 2, len1) second <- substring(word2, len2+3, len2) newWord <- concat(first, second) DISPLAY(newWord)



These lessons were a bit challenging at first but with perserverance I was able to understand the concepts which allowed me to answer the questions correctly. The presentation was great and I learned a lot from it.